The image and reputation of the Bannockburn Cricket Club is vital to its ongoing success and reflects the Club’s standing in the community. Our “Player Code of Conduct” sets the standard of conduct required of our club’s members and officials as representatives of the Bannockburn Cricket Club.
Club members and officials are expected to abide by our Player Code of Conduct. As a member or official of the Bannockburn Cricket Club your conduct while representing the club in any capacity must meet the standards set out below.
Our Player’s Handbook is available for download and includes information on our Code of Conduct, Child Safety Standards & more.
Our standards are guidelines only and the Committee of Bannockburn Cricket Club reserves the right to charge a member or official for conduct they believe is outside the spirit of these guidelines – whether it is explicitly covered in the Member/Player Codes of Conduct or not.
Play by the rules and abide by the Spirit of Cricket.
Never argue with an umpire. If you disagree, have your captain or coach approach the umpire during a break or after the game.
Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours in cricket.
Work equally hard for yourself and your teammates.
Be a good sport. Applaud all good play.
Treat all participants in cricket as you would like to be treated yourself.
Co-operate with your coach, teammates and opponents.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow players, coaches, officials and spectators.
Refrain from conduct that could be regarded as sexual, racial, sexist or discriminatory.
Care and respect the Club uniform and equipment.
Be frank and honest with your coach concerning illness and injury and your ability to train and play.
Conduct yourself in a responsible manner relating to language, temper and punctuality.
No player or official shall bully any other person.
Be honest in your attitude and preparation to training.
Maintain a high standard of personal behaviour at all times.
Do not engage in practises that affect sporting performance.
No member while representing the club as a player or official shall drink alcohol prior to or during the course of a match.
No member shall use social media to denigrate, humiliate or abuse other club members on open forums.
No player shall be under the influence, be in possession of or arrange possession of illegal drugs whilst on club premises.